Safety is our highest priority here at Vencer. This goes well beyond our employees and reaches our contractors, vendors, and anyone who steps on a Vencer site. Having a continual focus on safety is key to reducing overall incidents and potential lost-time events. This is not “safety in a silo.” Working safely improves our operations, protects the environment, and improves stakeholder outcomes.
Safety Training
Safety is our highest priority. Upon hiring, Vencer provides staff with initial safety training followed by frequent refresher course to reinforce safety knowledge. Safety training includes:
- Daily, Weekly and Monthly Safety Meetings
- Annual and Bi-Annual Recertification Training such as CPR and First Aid
Examples of our trainings include, but are not limited to:- Hazwopper Awareness
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Hazard Communication
- Fire Safety
- Heat Stress
- Pinch Point/Line of Fire
- Confined Space Awareness
- Lockout/Tagout
- Slips, Trips, & Falls
- Safe Driving
- Electrical Safety Awareness
- Job Safety Analysis (JSA)
- Spill Prevention Control & Countermeasures (SPCC)
A Stop-Work Obligation which requires any employee to raise a concern about safety and have all work cease until the issue is addressed. Vencer goes well beyond the industry standard, “Stop Work Authority.” See more under the “Stop Work Obligation” section.
Vendor Safety
It’s also important to us that our contractors and anyone present on our locations are aware of our safety expectations and are held to the same high standards. Therefore, we use a vendor tracking system to ensure that our contractors are adequately trained before they ever set foot on a Vencer location. Moreover, we routinely audit our vendor’s health and safety performance throughout the year. Please view our “Supply Chain” section for more information regarding the sustainability impacts of our vendors.
“Stop Work Obligation”
Vencer has a Stop Work Obligation Policy which authorizes any employee to raise a concern about the safety of the work and have said work cease until the issue is addressed. Vencer goes beyond the standard “Stop Work Authority” common at other E&P companies. We understand that we are “our brother’s keeper” here at Vencer, so if we observe an act or condition that is dangerous, we have a duty to ourselves, our teams, and our loved ones to rectify that deficiency and complete the work in a safe and efficient manner.
Health and Safety
Vencer Energy is committed to providing a safe and secure work environment for all its employees, contractors & vendors. We believe in being “our brother’s keeper” and promote a culture of accountability for the health and safety of those around us, as well as ourselves. Health & Safety topics are also proactively integrated into business planning processes to identify and mitigate risks.
– Drew Limbacher, Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer